Translate due January 28, 2019
Apple has decided to launch an app called Translate. Following their Human Interface Guidelines, develop the concept and UI of a few key screens to get buy-in for further work.
- Work in a pair
- 3 days (plus the weekend!)
- Sketch
- The HIG
- iOS Sketch template
- Sketch
- Invision
- Principle
- High Fidelity mockups of 4–6 screens
- Presentation of iterations and final proposal.
- 3 Proto-persona’s with different pain points and goals have been created for this project. Select one of them and base your project around their needs & goals. Check the section below to access your personas.
- Make several variations on your design before deciding on a direction. Ask for feedback and input from your colleagues!
- Be careful not to rely too much on symbols while exploring design concepts. When you get closer to a confident final design, start cleaning up your document with a system of symbols and well-named layer groups.
Presentation (6 minutes)
Your presentation should answer the following questions:
- What variations on your design did you explore?
- How does your design reflect the guidance in the HIG?
- What would you do differently next time?
Extra Mile
If you have time, string together some of your screens into a working prototype. Make it even more realistic by adding some animations!